Turkey SIV

We have been running our courses in Oludeniz for over 30 years & famous location of Security in Flight films. With very reliable weather and up to 1500m altitude in the flight zone, you can maximise your learning with multiple repetitions for every manoeuvre.

April 2025 : SIV 1 – 20 to 24  | SIV 2 – 25 to 29  | SIV 3 – 30 April to 4 May

September 2025 : SIV 4 – 20 to 24 | SIV 5 – 25 to 29 | SIV 6 – 30 September to 4 October | SIV 7 – 5 to 9 October 

SIV with Joshua & Jocky Sanderson

This SIV course has evolved and been perfected over 30 years and is probably the most famous and talked about course we offer.

Our courses constantly evolve with glider designs and the progress in our sport.

You are taught all aspects of controlling your wing during the SIV, from deflations and wingovers to stall recovery and SATS, (if you wish). Then, when you fly XC, you have the added confidence and skill in glider control, which allows you to focus on positive things like finding lift and coring, which frees your mind and helps you fly further.

We offer 3 formats of training, to suit pilots of all levels. These formats can run in parallel during a course, so for eg, one pilot could be doing pilotage manouevres while the other is perfecting his SAT technique.


Pilotage is a mild form of an SIV course, where the pilot focuses more on glider control, manoeuvrability and sensitivity. This builds up your skillset and confidence in turning tightly, understanding the limits and using the pitch to core in thermals etc.


SIV is designed to give pilots more confidence in their ability and know the limits of your glider. It teaches you recovery techniques for situations you may encounter during a cross-country flight, enabling you to turn a negative into a positive and fly further

Intro to Acro

We teach the main foundation acro moves and acro philosophy, including SATS, tail-slides acro-stall, spins, wingovers and hello-intros

Team: Josh and Jocky have been teaching together for 6 years, alongside SIV courses they also run worldwide XC guided trips . 

Josh is a brilliant XC guide & Acro pilot, He teaches basic SIV and  advanced SIV for those who want to focus in and perfect certain aspects of their flying. He also give one on one Acro training.

Jocky the pioneer has decades of experience teaching all levels of SIV and XC trips all over the globe. He wil conduct and deliver the major part of the course.  

This SIV course continually evolves with glider designs and has been perfected over 30 years. Thanks to Jocky’s Security in flight films it is probably the most famous and talked about course we offer.

Carefully designed, the course covers all aspects of glider control, from deflations and wingovers to search for moves, manoeuvrability, and stall recovery, plus fun moves like SATS, (if you wish). 

With your new found confidence in yourself and your wing, you’ll find on an XC flight you have more time to focus on positives like finding lift and coring, which helps you fly for longer and further.


Course Structure & Details

1:1 Instruction

We want you to fly with as little stress as possible, in an exciting and progressive way.

Although we brief and de-brief as a group, all your SIV flights are 1 to 1, just you and Jocky, so you can perform any manoeuvre and routine, providing you have been briefed to do it prior to taking off.

We can add or remove, any moves that would help you increase your confidence and glider control skills.

Safety & Briefings

You will be given detailed briefings & filmed demonstrations prior to each flight. Instruction will be over the radio from Jocky beneath you in the safety boat. Once the group have finished that flight wave, pilots are given an individual de-brief with Jocky using your video footage to help you develop your skills.

You will be provided with a inflatable collar and a water proof radio bag.


We film all your flights using a full HD camera and a highly trained cameraman.

These flights are used for debriefing you and handed over to you at the end of the course for your reference and study, free of charge. You just need to bring your SD card or USB stick.

Course Schedule

Initial introductions, briefing and admin on the first day, followed by one SIV flight. For the next two days, we usually have 2 flights a day, and an a-la-carte flight on the last day.

The course finishes in 3.5 days, and we keep 1.5 days in hand as bad weather backup.

Course Dates

Please be aware of your own physical and mental limits throughout the tour and on each flight. We aim to do a lot of flying and this can be tiring, especially in heat that you may not be used to, so please be realistic and fly within your comfort and skill levels, cut the flight plan early if you feel tired, or if you feel you have had too much of the maneuvers. We can always change your flight plan to suit what you feel happy dealing with.